Monday, October 6, 2014

Shifting Gears On Language

Do you use slang? How do you feel about people who do?
Write about the way people use language. Consider the following:

  • Are there different kinds of slang?
  • What types of people use slang?
  • When is slang appropriate?
  • When is slang not appropriate? 

In order to receive full credit you must write at least 5 complete and correct sentences with quotation marks around any slang words you use. You must also respond to a classmate's post using one of the following sentence starters:
I agree because...
I disagree because...
I don't understand...
That reminds me of...


  1. No there is only one type of slang. People that us slang rant very intelligent or smart. Slang is never appropriate no matter what. You should not use slang even when your home ts just never appropriate.

    1. I don't agree on that entirely if you use slang over text just talking to your buddies then its not that bad. But talking to someone personally then yes i see where your coming from.

    2. I don't agree because their is certain situations to where its appropriate to use slang.

  2. Sometimes I use a little slang and sometimes I use a lot of slang. It all depends on the group of people I'm around, if I'm around a family member I use slim to none and If I'm around friends or a relative close to my age I will use a little to a lot of slang. Just about every kid/teenager and sometimes even adults use slang. Its very common with people in the world today.

    1. I agree because i don't use it around my parents but i do use it when I'm texting, but i don't really say it in public even when I'm just around my friends.

    2. I disagree because Slang is the symbol of lack of intelligence, On top of that it makes you sound very disgusting.

    3. He is right it does also depend on the group of people around you.

  3. I don't think there is another type of slang. people use slang when there texting, but you shouldn't use it all the time. slang is appropriate when you are texting to your friends to shorten up what your gonna say. Also slang is not appropriate when your in public or like talking to your parents. I think you shouldn't use it except for when your teeing.

    1. i agree. i forgot to write about slang while texting but i guess that goes under the topic of certain times and places to use slang.

  4. Slang is okay in some circumstances. When you are trying to be professional or be serious and want people to hear you out, you might not want to use slang. I don't think bad about people who use slang. i believe you should talk how you want to but make sure you don't use it when you shouldn't. there is a time and a place for everything. just make sure of these things while using slang.

    1. i agree slang can be used in both ways, good and bad, its just the timing

    2. I agree, there is a time and place for everything.

    3. i agree there is a time and place for using slang or talking proper

  5. Slang is a shorter way of saying things with an accent. There are many accents so there must be many different kinds of slang. I use slang everyday just as anyone else does. Slang is part of modern society that always changes. slang is appropriate when talking to a friend but when writing a speech or talking to your elders.

    1. i disagree because it makes you sound un intelligent.

    2. I can definitely notice when you're using slang. Especially as much as you do, and I agree that is appropriate when talking to friends.

  6. Me personally when i use slang i only use it when I'm texting a friend or something. But if you use slang to talk to someone in person or you use it all the time you just look ignorant and unintelligent.So slang can be a bad thing but it can only be bad to the person who's using it all the time.Usually when you talk to a person you tend to use full sentences but if your talking slang like then its bad and just makes you look stupid.

    1. I agree with you because I also use it when I am texting and sometimes speak it, but if you speak it a lot it makes you seem dumb.

  7. People use slang on a daily basis. I use slang sometimes and I do realize how stupid it can sound, but it is just easier to use. Slang isn't always a good thing to use. For example, if you're at an interview for a job, then it is not appropriate. Interviewers want to see you as decent as possible for a job that you want.

  8. Everybody uses slang it may be different but we all use it some people use it less than others. Some people think think that speaking in slang is uneducated but its really not its just short handing words. When your in different environments like if your in a job interview you will speak proper, but when your with your friends you might speak in slang because its just the way it is.

  9. Yes I use slang words around my friends and parents. There is nothing wrong with using slang as long as you don't use it to where your in a meeting or talking to a teacher you shouldn't.

  10. Every once in a while i will use it. I feel it is okay in moderation. Their are many kinds of slang one is texting slangs another is computer slang. Slang is never appropriate in serious situations. Slang is the improper language of english.

    1. Slang is not improper because its just the short smart way of saying a larger intelligent word which if they know what that word means it makes them intelligent LOL

  11. Slang is what society brings we live good lives and in turn get lazy towards language. Slang is not always bad, it has come to make speech faster and easier. Some people say that slang makes people sound unintelligent which is not true because as smart as some people can be even smart people use slang its inventive which is smart. LOL

    1. I dont believe that slang is because we are lazy but because we want to fit in. The cool kids do it so the uncool kids do it so that the cool kids won't pick on the uncool kids for not doing it.

  12. I believe that slang is inappropriate and wrong. I do not use slang myself because i believe that it makes you forget things. It makes you forget how to spell correctly and maybe how to write an essay. What if you can't write an essay on the computer. Then you won't have auto correct and will be able to write the essay correct. Did you know that if an author answers a text with slang that they will lose 10 percent of there knowledge of vocabulary. DONT USE SLANG!!!!!!

  13. I only really use slang if I'm joking around, with friends, or texting. I don't have respect for people that decide to use slang constantly, or a lot. Slang is appropriate outside of being serious or professional. Although you can talk how you would like to, you should limit how much you use. Especially because there is a time and a place for everything.

    1. I agree with you because i only use slang if I'm with my friends trying to be funny.

  14. Yes I use slang around my friends and sometimes around my parents. I don't use slang if I'm having a meeting with my teacher like a parent/teacher meeting or if I'm just asking my teacher about a problem.

  15. I use slang and I have nothing against people who do because i also do it. There are different types of slang and people use them in different ways as well. Slang is appropriate when you are in important events or you are around very serious adults. It is appropriate when you are with friends hanging out or just joking where no younger kids are around and stuff. All types of people use slang a lot of the time.

    1. I agree with this. I honestly do believe that everyone uses it and its just like the term of words everyone uses now.

  16. I try to never use slang because it sounds unintelligent and just plain out trashy. I mean I don't care however anybody wants to live their life or talk. All i know is it changes the way people look at you when you talk in slang. If a person who talks normally and a person who talks with slang were applying the same job, the person who is talking normally would get the job. Nobody wants a unintelligent working for them, talking in slang can lead to failure.

    1. I totally agree with you Carson, but when you gave the example about the job interview, I didn't agree with you because there is a time where you can talk slang and there's a time where you can't, when you applying for a job interview i not the time. Since I talk slang, I know when the perfect time to use it, and i'm pretty sure if your smart like me, you won't use slang when you have a job interview. So proving my point, I basically agree with you at first, then strongly disagree with you later.

  17. Of course I use slang. My emotions toward people using slang is okay. Yes, there are different kinds of of slang words. Some ghetto and country people use slang words. Slang is appropriate when you are having a conversation with a friend. Slang is not appropriate when you are talking to a teacher like Mrs. Palacios and other adults.

  18. slang is appropriate when around friends or some family. But you shouldn't use it around more of a athoratives people like a boss or teachers. its more respective to talk more proper around bosses or teachers. there are different types of slang like if your from the south you have that accent. mostly people talk in slag and its like a habit.

  19. Personally I don't use slang, but i don't care if someone uses slang. As time has progressed hearing slang has become more and more common. The typical stereotype for people who use slang are "ghetto" or "redneck". Slang is not appropriate when your talking to your boss or the mayor of a town. It is okay when your asking to your friends or someone like that.

  20. Slang is a term that is used a lot. Mostly everyone these days use slang words. Slang words like "texting", "popular", "simple", "gang", "talking", "lazy", "made up", and other words like that. We like use these words like every day. So slang words are pretty popular.

    1. These aren't slang words. All of these words can be looked up in a dictionary. Slang are words society makes up.

  21. I Know Slang exists as Shorter versions of actual words and I don't really mind it but I know it bothers people.
    There are different types of Slang depending on the Person's ethnicity or Background.

    No one can really tell you not to talk like that. It's not there mouth. :/

    I'd Say Slang would be inappropriate when talking to an Authoritative figure like the President.

  22. Slang is an improper way of saying things. I don't notice i use slang because i'm so used to it. The only time you use proper language is when your getting a job interview.

    1. I disagree. Slang can be proper in proper situations. You also shouldn't use slang in more then just a job interview.

  23. Slang is a different form of a language that kind of spices things up other then speaking completely correct. It gives voice and helps people see the type of person you are by how you talk. There's different types of slang. In high school there are 4 common categories: ghetto slang, country slang, dumb cheerleader slang, and casual slang. Ghetto slang includes phrases such as, "Yo, dawg. I'm finna go to the club nam sayin." "Yeah, homie. I'm down." While country slang is more Southerny with words like "Y'all". Dumb cheerleader slang is where every word spoken is followed by the word "like" and every sentenced is ended with "omg". I use my own slang because im unique and the best. Slang is generally appropriate and acceptable in social situations but should be held back when you're talking to a professional about formal things.
